Sunday, August 5, 2012

Practical and Imperfect

I am a mother.  Most moms probably feel somewhat the same as I do…not at all what we pictured we would be. I would love to say that I get up everyday, dress my perfect 4 year old and 2 year old little girls in adorable clothing, cook a huge yet nutritious breakfast, clean my kitchen to a sparkling shine in less than 10 minutes, and then proceed to dress myself in a classy, perfectly coordinated outfit with my make-up beautifully done and salon perfect hair.  The day would have an amazing balance consisting of learning activities and outdoor play for the kids, trips the library, team sports (and blah blah blah). Can you picture me cleaning in my 1950’s apron while making 2 more incredible meals, all the while maintaining an impossibly fresh look just like June Cleaver? Yeah I can picture it too! Wouldn’t that be nice? 

The truth? This morning I woke up after falling asleep on the couch while watching the Olympics and I was so stiff I could barely move. My 4 year old was two inches from my nose, requesting breakfast, and my 2 year old was screaming “MOMMY! UP!” at a million decibels from her crib.  I was still in my outfit from yesterday (after passing out from what I think is probably pure exhaustion) and the kids got the first thing I saw, chocolate chip cookies, for breakfast.  The two little monsters cuties have been up for 2 hours and my house is unrecognizable. Cups, plates, toys, blankets, and junk are strewn about the house as I sit in the center of it, looking frazzled from a terrible nights rest. I have no idea what to even start doing today because the list is enormous.  I will be lucky if I even get to start the list between breaking up the wrestling matches, issuing time outs, and cleaning up spilled drinks, food, and the general disaster that come with the progression of each day.

Yet, this is the reality and while I’m not always blissful, happy I am. I wouldn’t change it for the world and I love my family more than life. My children are beautiful, smart, and they amaze me each and everyday. They make me laugh and cry, sometimes both at the same time.  I try each and everyday to be the kind of mom that they portray in the days of old and though I will never be that mom, I can create my own standard. Now, chocolate chips cookies for breakfast isn’t exactly the kind of mom I strive to be but there are days that just aren’t so great and it’s ok. We don’t need to be perfect to be great.  We can start by making our goals practical.
My beautiful family

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