Thursday, August 30, 2012

Let them eat cake!

Because my life isn’t complicated enough, I decided I wanted to add a little bit more to my “I can do that” list. I have always been fascinated with the amazing things that can be done with food and have wanted to decorate cakes for years. I dabbled a little bit at home but I really wanted to find a good class to learn proper techniques.

There are many types of classes out there, but if you are interested beware that classes facilitated by companies that manufacture cake decorating supplies want you to buy lots of “stuff”, most of which is just not necessary. I found a local, independent cake shop that sells many different brands of supplies. They are far from product pushers and they teach you how to get the best results without all of the fancy gadgets. For example, rather than expensive cake cutters, they use a piece of fishing line. It works just as well. The beginners class I am taking is 5 weeks, once a week, and $50 (which I think is extremely reasonable).  I bought about $75 in supplies which is a little on the steep side, but most of the supplies will last a lifetime.  If you are planning on decorating cakes to sell or even just for your family, it really is a great investment.

I’ve been in class for 2 weeks now. The week 1 lesson taught us how to split, fill, and flat frost our cake. Yesterday, for our week 2, we learned how to decorate a very traditional cake with Cornelli lace, sweet peas, and fancy borders.  Here is the result:

I thought it looked so fancy I let it speak for itself

I absolutely love this class.  It is 2 hours and each week and I find myself wishing it were longer.  I can’t wait for the next class, as I am so eager to learn more. I guess we know what my Thursday blogs will be about for the next 3 weeks (smiley face.)

1 comment:

  1. The cake is beautiful, and when you brought it over, it smelled so darned good it made me crazy! I love it. I hope you have a fantastic career in cakes.
