Tuesday, August 14, 2012

DIY- Everyday adorable towels

As I was searching the amazing world wide web the other day, I found this DIY and I just couldn’t pass it up! Aren’t these so cute?

These towels are very easy to do, economical, and totally practical for everyday use.  These are just a few things I am looking for when I chose a project, don’t you?

You start out with some flour sack or tea towels (you can use any kind and color you would like) I chose white from Walmart.  At about $1 a towel they are the least expensive I have seen.

Here is a list of supplies you will need:

  •   Flour sack towels
  •   Craft paint and fabric medium or fabric paint
  •   Letter stamps (can be purchased at amazon.com-big magnetic letters)
  •  Masking tape
  •   Cardboard or craft mat

Start by washing and ironing your towels, making sure they are nice and flat.

Fold your towel in they way you will be hanging it and place your letters where you would like them to be.  Use masking or painters tape to mark your spot. 

Once your tape has been placed, remove the stamps and unfold your towel.  Place your towel on a craft mat or piece of cardboard to ensure your paint doesn’t bleed through onto your work surface.

Choose your paint colors.  You can use fabric paint or fabric medium (found with the craft paint at most craft stores) can be mixed with any craft paint, which will enable you to use it on fabric. For mixing use 2 parts craft paint and one part fabric medium.

Once your colors are mixed stamp your letters onto your towels in any way and any colors you would like!
Allow these to dry for 24 to 48 hours and then your towels will be ready to use.  The ones I made are quite simple but the possibilities are endless with the wide variety of stamps, stencils, and colors available. What creative things can you think of to stamp on yours?


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