Friday, November 2, 2012

Woah!!! There went October!

October was a whirlwind of craziness in this household.  Between working Fright Fest at Six Flags, filling cake orders, cake class, making handmade costumes for the kids, and the general insanity of life, I didn’t have much time to breathe let alone blog. So, now it is time to catch up with what this Practical Imperfect Mom has been up to!

Up until August of 2011, I worked for Six Flags Magic Mountain doing a variety of jobs for the entertainment department.  Last year life finally got a little too busy for me to handle. I decided it was time to turn in my nametag, hang up my management clothes and spend my days home with the kids.  It has been a huge blessing to spend my time with my girls and I am so glad I did it. There really wasn’t much that I missed about my job except for October.  Fright Fest is such a fun time of year and many ex-employees return to work for a month and join in the fun.  When a friend contacted me and asked if I could help out, I jumped at the chance.  Why not right? Though I was extremely busy and at times it was a tad overwhelming, I had a blast! Seeing old friends and making new ones was really the highlight of my month.

Cursed Cast 2012

Maze of the night!

Princess Sunday

I have continued on with my cake class as well. In the advanced course we are learning a lot of new techniques and I’m still enjoying it just as much as before.  Here are a few of the cake projects I have worked on this month:

This year I made the decision to do handmade costumes for the kids.  I wanted them to have something that was well made and would be a keepsake for them. I am in no way a seamstress (in fact I have no idea what I am doing), but that did not stop me from diving in headfirst and giving it a try.  The kids looked adorable and had a great time. The hubby and I decided to dress up too (hey why not?) so we went with a 1940’s war era look.  I found a dress from and the hubby raided the army surplus. I may be a little biased, but I think we looked adorable. Of course we took our annual trip to the pumpkin patch as well.  The kids had a blast!

November should see me back to blogging again as usual. The Holidays and my Sweet Pea’s upcoming 5th birthday are certain to keep me busy with lots of great Diy’s, recipes, and general splendor!


  1. You have always been unstoppable! I'm so proud of you, daughter, and for the reasons you love doing these awesome things for family and friends. Out of a true spirit of love and caring and no motive other than to make people happy.

  2. A fun recap of the month! I wonder what craftiness you'll be up to this month.

    1. Whatever it is I'm sure you will included. We have a ton of gifts to make! :o)
